Sell to us with ease! |
Short on cash?
Come in store and get a quote on the items you have. We pay top dollar |
Unlike other Gold buyers around the Rockingham and Mandurah areas, it if a little damaged and can be easily fixed, we will likely be able to re-sell the item.We have a fully dedicated retail area to Silver & Gold chains, rings and pendants meaning that we can offer a higher price than scrap value on some of these items. |
Have a chat to us about anything Jewellery,
even if its broken! |
We appraising Gold and Silver on a few things like the weight, valuations and condition. We do our best to get you the best deal today.. |
Whatever you have could be
If you’ve got high end pieces of jewelry we have private valuation appointments available at request at either stores.Come in and get the best price for your gold today! |
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Don’t feel like selling? Why not consider a pawn loan instead? |
Pawn Loan |